Manga Kingdom chapter 629 spoilers. Kingdom 629 spoilers. Kingdom Manga Chapter 629 . The story of Kingdom is a fictional adaptation of the Chinese history period known as the Warring States period, which ended in 221 BC when Ying Zheng, king of Qin, succeeded in conquering the other states and unifying China. baca manga kingdom chapter 629 Several of the characters are based on historical figures. Many times characters will take the names of people in history, and other times they will have completely different names. Oftentimes this is a result of Japanese Kanji borrowing from Chinese characters, meaning that there are some Chinese names that have no equivalent characters in Kanji. For example, Ou Ki's (王騎), name is a slightly altered version of Wang Yi, 王齮, because the last character of his name, 齮, does not exist in Kanji. Kingdom Chapter 629 Release Date :